A hand laying dough into a frying pan full of oil to show the Fats, Oils, and Grease Control program page header

FOG Control Program

- Fats - Oils - Greases -

Best Management Practices button with a frying pan for mobile viewing
FOG Control Manual Button with an image of a book with an oil can symbol on the cover for mobile viewing
FOG Program FAQs Button with an image of a circled question mark for mobile viewing

Fats, oils, and greases are some of the primary causes of stoppages, backups, and overflows in a wastewater collection system. FOGs buildup in the sewers also causes restrictions and capacity problems. At Newport Utilities, our goal is to improve sewer service by reducing the impact of grease.

Through our Source Control Program, Food Service Facilities (FSFs) are required to capture and properly dispose of the grease generated by their operation.

Our Grease Control Program, establishes the administrative and inspection requirements and defines the proper sizing, installation, and maintenance of grease traps/interceptors. Through the cooperative efforts of FSFs, the goal of improved sewer service through proper FOGs control can be achieved.

Contact the FOG Control Program:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (423) 625-3851