Smiling woman wearing a headset and an NU blazer while sitting at a desk

How can we help you today?

If you’ve got questions, concerns or comments, you’ve come to the right place—we have the local support professionals to handle it. Take a look at the contact info on this page to find the right person to call, and also check out our FAQs. You just might find the answers you need before you even have to pick up the phone!



Contact Us

→ View Phone System Directory

Report Service Problems 24/7

Main Phone: (423)625-2800
Fax: (423)623-5767
HR Fax: (423)625-2841

E-mail Customer Service*
[email protected] 

E-mail NU Connect Fiber Customer Service*
[email protected]

*When emailing Customer Service, please note this email box is ONLY monitored during NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS. To report an outage or service problem 24/7, please call NU’s Outage Management System at (423) 625-2810 and have your account number or meter number available for easy access. You can also report outages or service issues using the Smarthub app for your smartphone or by creating an on-line account on our website.

Mailing Address
Newport Utilities
P.O. Box 519
Newport, TN 37822

Hours/Holiday Schedule

NU offers many options for bill payment including online, pay by phone, and the Smarthub app for your smartphone. Click HERE for more information.

Main Lobby Hours: Tuesday through Thursday
8:30 am – 4:00 pm

Drive Thru Hours: Monday through Thursday
8:00 am – 4:30 pm

Phone Hours: Monday through Friday
7:30 am – 4:30 pm M-Th | 7:30 am – 4:00 pm F

NU Kiosk & Night Depository
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

*Kiosk = Card or exact Cash Payments only (no coins)

*Night Depository = Check or Money Order only 


Holiday Closing Schedule
New Year’s Day: January 1
Martin Luther King Day: January 20
Presidents Day: February 17
Good Friday: April 18
Memorial Day: May 26
Independence Day: July 4
Labor Day: September 1
Columbus Day: October 13
Veterans Day: November 11
Thanksgiving Day: November 27
Day After Thanksgiving: November 28
Christmas Eve: December 24
Christmas Day: December 25


→ View our Frequently Asked Questions

Choose a topic on this page to learn more about our Frequently Asked Questions, or search for your question in the search bar at the top of the page.

Fees & Deposits


How much are residential connect fees & will a deposit be required?
Connection fees as well as deposits may vary. Please see the attachment to view ratings.
Newport Utilities Deposit & Fee Schedule

What are the price listings for commercial deposits?
Please see the attachment to view ratings & options for commercial deposits.
Commercial Deposit Policy & Program Options

If I am cut off due to non-payment, how much will my re-connection fee cost?
Reconnection fees are time based. Please see the attachment to view ratings.
Newport Utilities Deposit & Fee Schedule

Our Locations

Business Office
170 Cope Boulevard

View Larger Map

Operations Center
1419 West Highway 25-70

Water Treatment Plant
850 Cedar Street.

Wastewater Treatment Plant
465 Chemwood Drive

Staff Contacts

General Manager | Michael Williford
VP of Operations & Technology | Chris Calhoun
VP of Finance and Accounting | Joni Daniel
Human Resources & Compliance | Madyson Stuart
Purchasing & Logistics Manager | John Johnson
Safety Program Manager | Brad Hicks
Customer Service Supervisor |
Christy Fowler
Wastewater System Supervisor | Jim Denton
Water System Supervisor | Mark Arrowood

Legal Counsel | Jeff Greene

Medical Necessity Policy

Interested in our Medical Necessity Equipment Program?

→ Medical Necessity Form

*Please download and complete this form in its entirety before returning to Customer Service.

Contact NU Customer Service Department at [email protected] to submit your application for the Medical Necessity Equipment Program, or call our office at (423)625-2800 with any questions you may have.

***If Medical Necessity Equipment is no longer needed or you move to a location out of our service area, please notify our Customer Service Department at (423)625-2800. If you move to a new location in our service area and the equipment is still in use at your new location, please call to set up your new account as a Medical Necessity account.

Medical Necessity Program Overview
Newport Utilities will attempt to maintain a constant supply of electricity to your home in order to power Medical Necessity Equipment.  Unfortunately, we are unable to guarantee uninterruptible service due to unforeseen conditions beyond our control, such as extreme weather conditions or for disconnection for non-payment.

For this reason we strongly recommend you take certain precautions to prepare ahead of time for possible power interruptions.  Please consider the following:

  • Having an emergency back-up power source.
  • Keeping emergency back-up for all necessary medical supplies (e.g. an extra oxygen tank).
  • Making a list of emergency numbers for medical personnel, friends, neighbors, etc. who may assist you in the event of an emergency.
  • Contacting the American Red Cross for shelter or assistance during extreme power interruptions.
  • Making arrangements to move to another location in the event of an extreme power interruption.

In the event of a power interruption, call 423-625-2800 and press 1 after greeting or 423-625-2810. Although we will respond to your area as soon as possible, severe storm damage can delay restoration.

In order to avoid likelihood of disconnect, we also request you pay your bill by the due date.  Newport Utilities is precluded by law from discriminating between classes of customers.  Although medical necessity conditions exist, these customers are subject to disconnect for non-pay, just as any other customer.

Service Practice Policies

View here.

TVA Complaint Resolution Process
TVA Complaint Resolution Process (CRP)

What is the TVA Complaint Resolution Process?
TVA provides regulatory oversight of electric rates and service practices for TVA-served local power companies, including Newport Utilities. It is strongly encouraged that complaints are first discussed with NU first before filing a complaint with TVA. However, if you have an issue or complaint that has not been able to be resolved with NU, TVA’s Complaint Resolution Process may be able to help.

How can a complaint be filed?

What can I expect from TVA if I file a complaint?

TVA will:

  • Investigate the complaint
  • Answer your questions
  • Attempt to resolve the complaint

TVA will not:

  • Provide legal services that are sometimes required to settle complicated issues
  • Replace NU’s obligation to resolve customer complaints

What information is required to file a complaint?

  • There is no required information but it may be helpful to provide:
    • The Account Holder name and service account number
    • An explanation of the issue and any written documentation

 How does the process work?

  • After a complaint is filed, TVA will gather additional information.
  • A resolution will be communicated to you and NU.
  • If you are still not satisfied, then your complaint may be eligible for the Dispute Resolution Process.

If you need further assistance, please contact [email protected] or call (423) 751-2836.

Give Us a Call


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Send Us an Email

Drop In

170 Cope Boulevard
Newport, TN 37821

Business Hours

Lobby: 8:30-4:00 Tues-Thurs

Drive-Thru: 8:00-4:30 Mon-Thurs

Kiosk: 24/7

View Holiday Schedule

*Phone Operators available
7:30-4:30 M-Th | 7:30-4:00 F

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