Privacy Policy
Submitting information is strictly voluntary. By doing so, you are giving NEWPORT UTILITIES your permission to use the information for the intended purpose. If you do not want to give NEWPORT UTILITIES permission to use your information, simply do not provide it. However, not providing certain information may result in Newport Utilities’ inability to provide you with the information or services you desire.
There are several types of information we collect. These include:
- Automatically Collected Information
- Information Collected for Tracking and Customization (Cookies)
- Personal Information
NEWPORT UTILITIES never collects information for commercial marketing. We will only share your information with another government agency if it relates to that agency, or as otherwise required by law. NEWPORT UTILITIES never creates individual profiles or gives your information to any private organization.
We collect and temporarily store certain technical information about your visit for use in site management and security purposes. This information includes:
- The Internet domain from which you access our Web site (for example, “” if you use a private Internet access account, or “” if you connect from an educational domain);
- The IP address (a unique number for each computer connected to the Internet) from which you access our Web site;
- The type of browser (e.g., Netscape, Internet Explorer) used to access our site;
- The operating system (Windows, Unix) used to access our site;
- The date and time you access our site;
- The URL’s of the pages you visit;
- Your username, if it was used to log in to the Web site; and
- If you visited this NEWPORT UTILITIES Web site from another Web site, the URL of the forwarding site.
This information is only used to help us make our site more useful for you. With this data we learn about the number of visitors to our site and the types of technology our visitors use.
Except for authorized law enforcement investigations, no attempts are made to identify individual users or their usage habits. Raw data logs are retained temporarily as required for security and site management purposes only.
A cookie is a small file that a Web site transfers to your computer to allow it to remember specific information about your session while you are connected. Your computer will only share the information in the cookie with the Web site that provided it, and no other Web site can request it. There are two types of cookies, session and persistent. Session cookies last only as long as your Web browser is open. Once you close your browser, the cookie disappears. Persistent cookies store information on your computer for longer periods of time.
NEWPORT UTILITIES Web sites may use session cookies for technical purposes such as to enable better navigation through the site, or to allow you to customize your preferences for interacting with the site. A few NEWPORT UTILITIES Web sites may also make use of persistent cookies to remember you between visits so, for example, you can save your customized preference settings for future visits. Each NEWPORT UTILITIES site using persistent cookies identifies itself as doing so.
At no time is your private information, whether stored in persistent cookies or elsewhere, shared with third parties who have no right to that information. If you do not wish to have session or persistent cookies stored on your machine, you can turn them off in your browser. However, this may affect the functioning of some NEWPORT UTILITIES Web sites.
If you choose to provide us with personal information, through such methods as completing a form or sending us an email, we will use that information to respond to your message and to help us get you the information or services you have requested.
Remember that email isn’t necessarily secure. You should never send sensitive or personal information like your Social Security number in an email. Use postal mail or secure Web sites instead.
Some of our Web sites ask visitors who request specific information to fill out a registration form. For example, vendors looking for marketing opportunities by visiting our NEWPORT UTILITIES Acquisition Internet Service site may be asked to register to obtain email notices of business opportunities. Other information collected at Web sites through questionnaires, feedback forms, or other means, enables us to determine visitors’ interests, with the goal of providing better service to our customers.
Public Records Policy

Business Hours
Lobby: 8:30-4:00 Tues-Thurs
Drive-Thru: 8:00-4:30 Mon-Thurs
Kiosk: 24/7